The Time Is Always Now

The Time Is Always Now: Black Thought and The Transformation of U.S. Democracy
TitleThe Time Is Always Now: Black Thought and The Transformation of U.S. Democracy
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2013
AuthorBromell, Nick
Number of Pages190
PublisherOxford University Press
CityNew York, NY
ISBN or ASIN Number978-0-19-997343-9
Keywordsdemocracy, history, Identity, Politics
Copies at the Archive1

A literary critic and intellectual historian, Bromell draws on a wide range of fiction, essays, speeches, and oral histories, deftly synthesizing recent work in U.S. history, literary and cultural studies, and political theory. Like the figures he discusses, he puts this thought to work in the present moment, this "now." Black democratic insights, he shows, are strikingly relevant to the challenges facing US democracy today, and they provide the basis for a new, post-liberal public philosophy with which to turn back the rise of radical conservatism.